Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Opening Night

Welcome everyone to the first entry into my new movie blog. What's it going to contain? Well everything I do that revolves around movies. Reviews, old classics watched, techniques and thoughts on them. Why would any sane person do all this? Well being a Screen Media student might have something to do with it.

I've also got a few very short videos already out there on youtube. is where you want to head for those. Don't bother with "Fox Murdoch eats a ____ burger", it's unedited 10 minute reels, watch not lest ye be bored yourself.

And for a quick splish splash dive into my movie mindset, what's my favourite and what am I watching now?

Favourite movie, at the moment, is Requiem for a Dream. Why? Mostly for it's fantastic connection with it's audience, I've watched Requiem three times and each time was left very tense in my whole body. Consistancy like that is rare in a movie.

What am I watching right now? After a quick shower I'm going to finish off a few movies I've started lately:

Stanley Kubrick's 2001: a Space Oddysey
Cats: the Musical (it's a one-hot wonder in terms of musicals. Do you know "Memories"?)

That'll mean I've finished three movies tonight, which is a rather palsey imitation of the self-education that Francois Truffault placed upon himself, being three movies a day and three books a week. Still he didn't have full time uni to contend with, so I figure one of each is good enough.

I promise no regularity in my updates, but plenty of a fun read when they appear.

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