Thursday, August 20, 2009

NO SPOILER Inglourious Basterds

Not one actor ill-picked. Bloody long though, 2.45 hours so do consider whether you've got a sore back or not. Or if your bum gets numb. Also don't drink before hand. It doesn't feel like 2.45 hours though so that's good.

All minor problems none of which relate to the movie itself. It's well written and Brad Pitt does a great job. It's a true Tarantino movie as well, plenty of his signatures all over this thing. Do remember that they were written at the same time, Kill Bill and Inglourious Basterds, the musical cues are stiflingly similar.

I don't want to spoil any of it, so see it and just pick a time, then go. Movies aren't really better or worse based on who you see it with, that just makes the before and after of a movie more tolerable depending on who you are. Pick a time, tell people, go regardless.

Would like to place all of Tarantino's movies in order of preference but having NOT seen Jacky Brown yet I've got some homework to do. Got the soundtrack for Reservoir Dogs in my hot little hands, thank you muchly to April! Oh hell's may as well do the list as far as I've seen. This excludes Dusk Til Dawn:

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Kill Bill Vol 1
3. Reservoir Dogs & Inglourious Basterds
5. Kill Bill Vol 2

It's cheating to put Dogs and Basterds on the same spot but it's still settling into my subconscious and being picked at to see how well it stands after the mushrooms and pineapple pieces have been picked off. Have I missed on there?

Inglourious Basterds is true to it's catchphrase - not your daddy's war movie. My own wouldn't watch this past the opening credits.

1 comment:

  1. I strongly agree with that last statement, particularly after seeing the reaction of a married couple sitting 2 seats away from me during the screening.
    I liked this movie alot - because it WASN'T your average movie. Tarantino doesn't DO average. He plays with us. He played with my mind and expectations alot and I gotta say, that 2.45hrs flew by as I was so intrigued as to what was happening. This movie was not predictable in the slightest - another plus.
    I plan on writing a full review on this flick, possibly tomorrow.
    In the meantime, crank that Reservoir Dogs cd! :)
