Friday, August 21, 2009

Now for some ground rules?

First off I want to say hi, thanks for reading. Bored or not this blog is DEVOTED to movies and what I think of them and compare them to, so I'm going to get wordy and expect, as a response, verbal arguments and reasons for/against everything I say. There's plenty of minds out there that want this kind of discussion and faceBook is NOT the place to find it.

Having said that I'll move onto what I'm planning on being the main of the posts found here. Movie reviews, duh, and movie techniques, which is rather a varied topic and can include anything. Maybe it's costumes and how well they were used in Dracula (so good they made up for Keanu Reeve's plastic Englishmen) or how to do action, properly, depending on the size of your combatants (Transformers destroying buildings makes sense, they're large robots getting thrown around. Small humans having the same effect? That's asking too much of your audience, especially if they aren't Superman in strength/endurance).

Also expect the odd whimsical piece where I just wax philosophic about movies I love, and for the inexplicable reason that I simply due. The current "hot shot movie" without question nor qualification is Barbarella. Dazzlingly gorgeous main lead, 70/80s buzz, kitsch up your arse and sci-fi -- my personal dreamscape. Despite having said all that though I don't really have a great movie in mind (I am going to make them, you know) that has a sci-fi base. Most of the ideas I do have are all everyday human type affairs where the conflict is character driven. How boring, I know!

There wont be any posts about movie idea's I'm currently writing about, but there may be one or two sprinkled lightly such as when inspirations strikes yet I know it wont stick around to see the "movie idea" germinate into anything more than a single scene. I'll leave you with a quote from Mark Rosewater, who quoted someone else (his lecturer) who was quoting yet another person concerning movies (Mark Rosewater did a Communications course, and is the Head Designer of Magic: The Gathering cardgame):

No scene is worth a line, no movie is worth a scene.

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