Monday, September 3, 2012

GP Auckland side events!

The side events for GP Auckland are up! Click here. Or there <<-----

Hello again, and welcome! Things are heating up. Times are exciting. We've got an in-progress Return to Ravnica spoiler over at ( and the dual lands are confirmed! Thank God.

What has team "Yeah, Constantly" been up to? I can't speak too much for the others, but we've been buying up duals in general, as well as figuring out new ways to get boxes on the cheap. Normally a store will want $160 for a box, which is great, but I'm not too interested in paying a lot for what turns out to be a mostly common/uncommon collection, you know?

So to that end, I've done some judging recently which got me a box, as well as my articles for Good Games (that you should go and read, they're all good too!) give me credit to get a cheaper box, plus a new story about to open up in West Ryde (the Cardboard Bunker) are doing a VERY cheeky deal, so I can say pretty easily that I'm about 3 boxes in. That'll help, surely?

Rony has been having the occasional weekly trials at mine. We play Standard, but have been favouring Modern lately. We've got three decks that we gauntlet quite often, which at the moment is Seismic Loam, Sceptre of Secrets and r/w aggro bash (not Brozek wins).

I suppose it'd make sense to detail the decks and minute changes we've made here. I don't imagine too many ppl will read this and be able to get all HULK CRUSH! on me next time I play in the city, for example, and it gives you awesome readers something to do. So expect that soon, both on Seismic Loam and Sceptre, I'll hit up Rony and see if he doesn't wanna do red.

At the VERY moment, I am enjoying Travis Woo's take on pauper, with monoblack Stinkweed Zombies. It's fun, and I've made some videos thus far. Expect them soon!

Ammy and James have been fronting the Standard efforts, James piloting a very cool Naya build.

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