Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tested, kinda.

After a very quick goldfish test, I've taken out the Terminus. Just two, but there was never a good time to cast it without having my own team swept along too, if they weren't the Azorious Keyrunes. The Runes are great, allowing for a lot of 'safe' power to hide in plain site. With the cards I have, I substituted a few cards, and Azorious Charm in place of Izzet Charm wasn't good. Without other monsters to use all three abilities against, I always cycled it.

The lands weren't bad but a few times I was hungry for red mana  (maybe 2 Izzet Keyrunes? NAAAH) but having an army, then adding four to it with Supersonic Dragon was great. Though seeing I've only got 2 Dragons/Goblin Rally it didn't really go off and my aerial attack was always the quickest route. If I proxied the full playsets would it be different? Who cares, the "sudden Goblins" at about as much impact as the "hidden in plain sight until needed" Azorious Keyrunes, which really are great. Did I mention that? I think I'm in love!

Also the draw four, discard two is bonkers. Just nuts. That's great. If you don't need to, hold out on your Izzet Charms loot mode, and just use the above. I think two is right (of the draw four) with still four of the Izzet. This is exciting!


I organised my cards and realised that the sets make a complete circle of colours (as opposed to last time, 4 3 and 3 didn't allow it) but it's also based solely around the good brainy colours (white blue red) and the evil savage colours (green black red). Of course it makes for a good story, and shows both sides of the same evil!

Then I thought, wait I'm being biased and only seeing the colours I wanna see. It was true! You could say red was the evilest colour, using ruthless black and cold, calculating blue. Black's allies, but reds in the middle. And on the other side? White gets it's buddies, green and blue! This really speaks to an opposites theme, seeing red is chaos and white is order. With buddies both to back them up in their aims!

Just wanted to point that out as a great bonus of the set. Even the way the guilds are represented tell an awesome story.

Ravnica upon us

Hallo readers. What's hip?

Return to Ravnica is here. That's pretty big. I enjoyed two flights at Mega Games, penrith, as Izzet then Azorious. The most of that was written in my good games article, which can be read here:

And now testing has begun! JDNoice and Ammonium are already testing, but I had to skip it on account of today's public holiday status. Public transport for two hours on a normal day turns into a life sentence when it's public holiday timing.

We cracked some good cards between us all, but I feel the strongest pull towards blue/white with a sub theme blue/red. Not surprising. The main punch of the deck will the aggressive version of the blue/white creatures from the deck I rumourised about previously, also including Supersonic Dragon for fast punches outta nowhere and Goblin Rally. At instant speed, that card is great fun.

Terminus, I love it too much to leave out, so that's staying in, as well as 4 of the Azorious Keyrune because Wrath/animate/bash is always so good. Especially when you sweep zombies under the rub, taking no extra damage. A list:

4 Steam Vents
4 Hallowed Fountain
6 Islands
6 Plains
2 Izzet Guildgate
2 Azorious Guildgate
24 lands

4 Judge's Familiar
4 Knight of Glory (I figured the pro black, in an early aggressive meta would be free wins)
4 Lyev Skyknight (this over Arctic Aven because it really allows the first two beats to continue, adding while applying pressure.
4 Supersonic Dragon
16 creatures

4 Goblin Rally
4 Terminus
4 Azorious Keyrune
4 Detention Sphere.
4 Izzet Charm
20 other

Gone is the "cutesy poo" combo of Voidstalker and Index. While Index is occasionally useful, it's no good when you see awful, and still don't have a Voidstalker ready. Stalker itself is good as proper removal, seeing the offending creature is actually removed from the battlefield. Sure they might come back, but just play another one!

I imagine a sideboard would get down to really ridiculous beatdown, featuring the colour based artifact to give us a 3/3 flyer on turn 2. It sounds great to me.

It is possible that New Prahv Guildmage is the better two drop, but I can't shake the idea that everyone's favourite multi colour bashers will be everywhere, so Rakdos and Golgari, you don't say.

4 Civic Saber (do note, does not pump toughness)
1 Cyclonic Rift
1 Supreme Verdict
3 Essence Backlash
3 Annihilating Fire
3 Izzet Staticaster

Maybe that. Yes this list specifically ignores a lot of the actual Standard environment, but seeing so much of it dissappeared over night, there's not really a Standard to build against. I'm going to start attending more FNM now too, seeing the evolution of the Standard environment is going to be super critical, and watching it's every move will be reported here.

At the moment, code fun.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

M13 M13 M13 draft is up

Here's the link:

And I recorded it just now, tonight, to help celebrate the new logo. It's relevant and everything, I swear! I hope that worked. I just copied the HTML to see if it wouldn't work.

Return to Ravnica, hope and fun in hand.

New Standard Eruptus.

This is exciting. With all but 8 cards spoiled from Return to Ravnica, we at Team "You don't say?" have gotten into brewing mode. Here's a decklist, complete with notes that lead to other decklists, and cute ideas so a general mishmash of everything, based soley on Ravnica's new offerings. This ignores the current standard metagame, and the "top dog" Delver deck which is set to be torn asunder anyway.

It's fully possible that the last 8 cards really open up new things, seeing we don't have the Azorious artifact yet (a cycle that produces mana and then activates for bashing) but it'll be sweet regardless, and you can always Terminus, Wrath and then activate afterwards. No more Gideon, but we get these guys instead.

The positioning for Standard looks like Jund will come back in force, Rakdos and Golgari ripping new faces apart with glee. The much simpler Naya will continue to try and play a gentlemens game of competition, and possibly do so well enough that it'll dip into blue for sideways answers, things like Uncounterable Wrath for the Jund mirror, followed by the Rakdos bin clearing Charm, why not?

The main excitement at the moment is how open all mana bases are. With Gatecrash (not for another 3 months tho) we'll have the ability to play 12 mana sources for whatever colour combo you want, so it'll be exciting to see what the cooking pot of Standard produces.

Regardless, I have my eye on cards now, so I know what I expect my 3 boxes to crack. Mostly blue/white, because I love that colour. Anyway, my random scribbling, to aid you in your launchpad as well as to act as a snapshot of the excitement that new sets (Avacyn Restored excepting) create!!

4 Hallowed Fountain
4 Glacial Fortress
4 Azorious Guildgate
5 Islands
5 Plains
22 lands

4 Judge's Familiar /// Delver for aggro build
4 New Prahv Guildmage // knight of glory (pro rakdos)
4 Lyev Skynight (great for 1 2 3 drops aggro)
Artic Aven in control
3 Dungeon Geists? good cap
3 Sleep in aggro build

4 ???? not Index
4 Azorious Charm    lifelink/draw/atkblk top of lib
4 Cyclonic Rift

4 Azorious Artifact tap for u/w, activate creature)
4 Terminus
1 Supreme Verdict (yeah, just 1)
3 Detention Sphere
2 Sphinx's Revelation
4 Rewind?
2 Jace, Architect of Thought
2 Isperia, Supreme Judge
1 Fall of the Gavel
4 Azor's Elocutor? build around deck, obv. Hexproof, prevent all damage.
1 Stormtide Leviathan (just one)
1 Sudden Disappearance

3 dispel?
3 Civic Saber (birdy beatdown?)
2 Misthollow Griffin [the mirror, o ring ME hey?)
2 Negate?
2 Outwit v Bonfire of the Damned

"Cute" other
4 Void Stalker
4 Index

Allows for the aggro into control plays, while Index can be played. If

shite, shuffle with Void Stalker.

No, it isn't a solid 60, and that sideboard is totally guessing at things. I know people say that Aggro reigns at the start of a season, but why wait? Just think of the aggro you'd play, and build to beat that. Who isn't going to enjoy eating up the field then Scavanging? The good cards only, of course.

My biggest dream for those remaining unspoiled 8 cards from Return to Ravnica?

Ancestral Recall. Totally.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Team name decided!!

Oh this is exciting. After some more playtesting and general discussion of the new Standard once Ravnica rotates in, we got together and discussed the all important team name. It had to be something we all liked, and I wanted to keep the idea of "yeah constantly."

If you remember, "yeah, constantly" was my first idea because it's your response to someone when they tell you their bad beats story.

"I was going to kill him next turn, but he had the Wrath."
You nod, sagely. "Yeah. Constantly."

So in respect to all that, we have come together and found the modern-est equivalent. Introducing...

*drum roll please*

Team "You don't say."

You don't say? We DO say. Every time they had the Murder for your Nefarox, you tilt your head and invoke it, 'You don't say?' Every time you have 5 power on the board, but +1 with Ajani instead of just swinging for 10 and the win*, to yourself you invoke, 'You don't say?' Whenever you try to max out on the Ravager beats, and they have the Smelt in response to the final attacker with all the counters, 'You don't say.'

I could bore you further with news of what we spoke about, re Return to ravnica, but it's obvious. "Seems good." Instead I think it's more interesting to discuss buying and selling cards, on places like eBay, sure, and trends.

When Return to Rav was announced, everybody hushed together to discuss the Shocks coming back, as though secret covens may just be enough to tempt the gods-that-be to do it. Or, discussing with shop keeps, and knowingly pointing out Mutiliate and Liliana of the Dark Realms, you choose to simply "know" that the Shocks are surely returning.

At the point in time, the cost of lands was morphing. Some stayed high, at around 20/25 each. Then the set began to leak, and they stayed constant, some dipped in hopes of quick sales, or just sales at all. This was when we did most of our buying, and luckily so. A playset of dual shocks will go for different amounts, and Ravnica: City of Guilds will definately fetch a higher price and return a great percentage of their value. The new Return to Ravnica lands wont gain anything amazing, be EVERYWHERE and people wont treat them as well. Still very good, becoz functionality is that key, but compared to the older lands?

Regardless, the old cards shot straight back up to their full price, knowing the rich greedy or stupid would still pay full price for proper Rav lands (see? Writers are already refering to the old lands as "proper") and that's where they'll stay.

I'm just going to say that we managed to slaughter the arena, and to good reason to. If the lands came out, it makes the older one's premium, so we make money on resells, or just "awesomeness". And if the lands weren't reprinted? They'd maintain their rare value and being a key cycle of lands in Modern we would have made money anyway.

So that's my two bits on buying and selling cards at the moment. Watch eBay to see the fluctuations, and strike when something obvious it happening. Obviously the lands are a BIG DEAL and were more obvious than, say, Stoneforge Mystic. But the sharp eye can spy these things and move like shadows, snatching cards for peanuts.

Whatever the way you do get your cards, always be on the lookout for the rip off.

* This actually happened, only it was against me that it occured. I know how to bash for the win.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pauper is online!

Just a quick note, Channel Fox Murdoch has finally gotten it's pauper together. Even though round 5 is a recorded replay, we have five rounds of Pauper.

And what can I say other than I think I HATE how completely stupid and ridiculous some "playlist" setting up can be. Seriously. You should have a folder that every thing goes into, and remains seperate from everything else. YouTube has zero ability to guide a completely random guest, to my channel, toward what they want. DIRECT LINK is the best I can do for them.

It doesn't help having three accounts with them, but oh well. You want "TheFoxMurdoch" which will be our video hall for the moment. Once we settle on a proper team name, we may open a new one.

Channel Yeah, Constantly.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Updating, making vids, constantly.

Quick post tonight. I started work on a new article (still have about 3 that could just be pushed out the door, but I like the write when inspiration strikes). This one is about position, integration and something else. Can't tell you the whole thing, you'll have to wait for it. The main bread of it though is to help give aim when building a deck for a new environment. You know, like when standard rotates.

I've also got four matches recorded for the Pauper zombie deck, but I'm not going to post it yet. It'll go on my youtube account, which is, but why not yet? I want to do another round. Round 4 was rather brief, and I also using all my gf's gear.

When I record at home, I lock myself into the dining room and mostly remain undisturbed, with a headphone/microphone onepiece that works quite well. It's not uncomfortable but inbetween games I certainly feel a need to take it off my ears, and it's only real annoying trait is the way it can pick up all the sounds of my swallowing, at times.

So, used to those, I put my gf's friend on and find out that it plays back whatever I say. Hey, it's a gimmick, cool! Until I finish my first game recording and find out that it's not cool, but recording the echo! I try to fix it between games of a single round, but it's no good and so round 4 I have an echo the entire time. The things we learn.

After the game (versus poison), I had enough time to find the solution. So next time I make vids at Amys the sound will work, and we wont have an echo. I just have to worry about the 10 cats running around.


Monday, September 3, 2012

GP Auckland side events!

The side events for GP Auckland are up! Click here. Or there <<-----

Hello again, and welcome! Things are heating up. Times are exciting. We've got an in-progress Return to Ravnica spoiler over at ( and the dual lands are confirmed! Thank God.

What has team "Yeah, Constantly" been up to? I can't speak too much for the others, but we've been buying up duals in general, as well as figuring out new ways to get boxes on the cheap. Normally a store will want $160 for a box, which is great, but I'm not too interested in paying a lot for what turns out to be a mostly common/uncommon collection, you know?

So to that end, I've done some judging recently which got me a box, as well as my articles for Good Games (that you should go and read, they're all good too!) give me credit to get a cheaper box, plus a new story about to open up in West Ryde (the Cardboard Bunker) are doing a VERY cheeky deal, so I can say pretty easily that I'm about 3 boxes in. That'll help, surely?

Rony has been having the occasional weekly trials at mine. We play Standard, but have been favouring Modern lately. We've got three decks that we gauntlet quite often, which at the moment is Seismic Loam, Sceptre of Secrets and r/w aggro bash (not Brozek wins).

I suppose it'd make sense to detail the decks and minute changes we've made here. I don't imagine too many ppl will read this and be able to get all HULK CRUSH! on me next time I play in the city, for example, and it gives you awesome readers something to do. So expect that soon, both on Seismic Loam and Sceptre, I'll hit up Rony and see if he doesn't wanna do red.

At the VERY moment, I am enjoying Travis Woo's take on pauper, with monoblack Stinkweed Zombies. It's fun, and I've made some videos thus far. Expect them soon!

Ammy and James have been fronting the Standard efforts, James piloting a very cool Naya build.