Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Reworkin', y'all?

So in the latest few articles I've been reading, the best one is usually a PV article, because that man is just so damned good at thinking completely outside of Magic. He's not a good player, he's a good thinker, and Magic just happens to be what he's doing when he beats you.

The article in question is this one:

It talks a good deal about time, life and cards, and which resource is more important in which types of match ups, the three mains being Combo, Control and Aggro. I wont bore you with my bastardisation of the article, go and read it for yourself. He puts it better than anyone else could have.

Having read it though, I remembered another age-old article about how a burn deck burns. If they can play enough 3 damage, R costed spells, they only need 7 spells to win. The problem is so many cards can get around it, such as Control's plethora of counters, card draw, etc, or Combo simply not caring and waiting until the last chance to go off.

This lead me to the idea of counting cards for damage. Char and Psychic Blast deal 4 apiece, and that means you'd only need 5 to kill an opponent. Not only that, but the 3 cost 4 damage spell enjoys the Flames of the Bloodhand type spell, which is really 4 damage plus life, or in some cases Flame Javalin, though at RRR it'll be hardest to cast.

I'm also a big fan of blue red white, because it seems to be my natural go-to. If you give me a sealed pool, I'll try and build blue white flyers with red sweepers. I wont always get it, but I'm happiest playing it. So to that end, we're thinking of a Modern deck, WUR, and something different from those that have gone before.

I'm sure I'm not the first, but it's the first I've seen of it. So here's the list, I imagine.

4 Steam Vents
4 Hallowed Fountain
4 Scalding Tarn
4 Arid Mesa
2 Mountains
1 Island
1 Plains
X xxx
22+ lands

4 Goblin Guide
4 creatures

4 Mana Leak
4 Lightning Bolt
3 Path to Exile
4 Char
4 Psychic Blast
3 Pulse of the Forge
4 Terminus
4 Supreme Verdict
2 Planar Cleansing
2-3 Demon's Play
X Chandra, the Firebrand
34+ others

I don't believe the deck would have mana base problems, and it responds well to every kind of threat. Planar Cleansing deals with trouble PWs, while Mana Leak plays permission and Bolt/Path both control the creature world. We're not worried about accelerating their lands for a creature, because it means they've paid 1GW for a Land, not a Knight of the Reliquary, etc.

All the sweepers simply eat up aggro decks, while against Control... we simply race them with Chandra doubling up on Devil's Play, which also acts double as creature removal and then finisher (double X damage with a Chandra's -2).

The sideboard has the right colours to allow us some real fun, by which I mean cards that nail archetypes. We've got Rest in Peace for any graveyard, and blue tricks for the combo dance, namely Commandeer to steal their key permanent. We're not worried about giving up three cards if we steal their only piece needed to complete a Combo, we're trading cards for time enough to kill them.

Gather Specimens and Volition Reins allows us to steal very good PWs or late game giant monsters, like a topdecked Broodmate Dragon/Armada Wurm against the aggro decks.

Against aggro, we'll assume Naya Zoo, we pack in the Terminus and sweep.

It's true Psychic Blast and Char hurts us as well, but it's the flexibility of colours that make us play it over a straight red burn deck, and we also don't fold to a turn 0 Leyline. That's key to this deck---we are burn, but not "stupid" burn. But to my point, where does the damage leave us? Probably weaker against the opponent, so that Pulse of the Forge can come back! We may experiment with other cards that want our life for tricks, but maybe not. If we're playing key creatures Spellskite is always an option, as we can save our repeatable damage source Goblin Guide with the additional safety of Spellskite's ability, plus we throw away our life in 2 point chunks until we're able to burn twice end of turn and again in our main. Is 12 outta nowhere OK with you?

The deck needs testing, but this is the main ideas so far. I'd love to point out that France, Australia, New Zealand and England all have red white and blue EXCLUSIVELY in their flags, so I'm gonna call it Australian Revolution.

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