Wednesday, January 30, 2013

PS, I fixed the land!

Here's a list, lately. It's edited from the GP New Zealand deck run by Walker MacMurdo with minor tweaks, to suit my meta and to accomodate my lack of a fourth Angel. What do you think, and be honest.

Main Deck
60 cards

4  Blood Crypt
3  Clifftop Retreat
4  Overgrown Tomb
2  Rootbound Crag
1  Slayers' Stronghold
3  Sunpetal Grove
4  Temple Garden
2  Woodland Cemetery
23 lands

1  Acidic Slime
3  Angel of Serenity
1 Gisella, Blade of Goldnight
2 Deathrite Shaman
1  Centaur Healer
1  Craterhoof Behemoth
1  Griselbrand
4  Thragtusk
14 creatures

2  Dreadbore
4  Faithless Looting
4  Grisly Salvage
3  Lingering Souls
4  Mulch
2 Terminus
4  Unburial Rites
23 other spells

1  Abrupt Decay
3  Centaur Healer
1 Oblivion Ring
2 Sever the Bloodlime
2 Terminus
1  Mizzium Mortars
2  Rolling Temblor
1  Sever the Bloodline
2  Slaughter Games
1  Zealous Conscripts

The lands are exactly the same, though Godless Shrine and Sacred Foundry are now Standard. I figure we don't want 8 more lands they pain us to come into play, and considering how quick this deck can (wants to?) win the more lands that come into play untapped the better... Having said that, the previous few will almost always come into play untapped, assuming I'm at 3+, but we don't need that much hurt while we're setting up super revival combo.

There is certainly space for monsters fresh from Gatecrash, in particular the Sepulchral Primordial looks delish for the MIRROR. My god, revive my hulk AND your Craterhoof? Geniusness. For the moment though I'm just trying to iron out numbers.

2 Terminus main/SB. This is because monsters are everywhere, and having no chance game 1 is trite, and I want the full four when the S hits the F.
2 Deathrite Shaman main. These started in the board, but seeing how many lands I put into the bin via Faithless Looting/Grisly Salvage they're practically birds that survive 1 damage pokes. Plus the colour fixing. With a perfect turn 1 Faithless Looting we dump fatty and and Unburial Rites, turn 2 we have a Shaman and some land enter the big, then flashback turn 3. That is QUICK. The Centaur Healers went to the sideboard for the Deathrites. They're good critters in general, but "in general" is not how Standard seems to be at the moment. Against the decks that'll obviously have graveyard hate they make good drops, especially if spat out turn 2 by an active Shaman from turn 1.
O Ring and 1 Sever moved to sideboard because they're still useful against some creature decks, but Terminus deals with all creatures for just W. I lose my creatures yes, but I'm assuming until I go off that's not really an issue.
The 4th Angel of Serenity could have been many things, but I opted for the Gisella. There's plenty of signs drawn from an opponent's mouth when she shows up, as they realise 1 damage is halved to 0, and they're going to take lots of damage if they can't deal with her. Doubled with Slayers Stronghold we can revive via flashback'd Unburial Rites, then haste and Vigilance Gisella in the same turn. Fancy 12 damage and a 10 power first striking blocker?

Apart from those differences, the deck remains the same. Dump fatty into bin, revive and beat. We only have the one Craterhoof, but we can dig like mad with 12 spells and a variety of creatures.

I'll let you know how it goes friday.

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