Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weekending, constantly.

Life first, Magic later. Skip ahead I dare you.

I've just done half an hour on the bike with my arms. The handles move back and forth so no I didn't just sit there and watch TV. Feels good.

This comes after yesterday, when I woke up and me + crew drove to Sydney to picnic, kick the soccerball around and try some frisbee, which was all really fun and awesome. As a super added bonus, I didn't burn anywhere apart from the tiniest part on my skull, and only just at that. With my physiology I'm scientifically set to start burning after 12 minutes, so thank you sunscreen.

The saturday before I woke up at Amy's, always nice, and joined her for a trip into the city where I saw her off at TAFE and then went back to her place. I fed the cats, dog, chickens, rabbit, guinea pigs and fish, then myself. I had the good luck of finding $3 in a cash vending machine as well, so I that was just golden.

The night before I'd stayed over Amy's and we finished off Deathnote. Now as far as anime's go, I'm not an automatic fan of anything made today. I was raised on Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ninja Scroll, Astroboy. Good things, that were actually DRAWN in the 80s 90s, and yes this includes Sailor Moon and Samurai Pizza Cats. Also Pokemon to the first few seasons.

Deathnote starts off interesting, gets really good when L is introduced (he's like the guy who's out to foil the main character, Light) and then... it's best described as it still ends awesome, but man why did they $$$^ @$%& & #$%% #$% #$% #$^^^? Onto Magic!

The sealed event went fine. I thought we had 4 people on the day, but everybody rang and showed up late. With 6, we cracked packs and built and played. Then at about 35 minutes we got a call so we had a 7th player. Easy, he gets a bye for round 1. Then our eighth calls, same thing. Alright, show up, build quickly and play off. They do and Josh loses, so his auto-win turns into a lose. He'd been outta it for a month so good on him.

The full list: me, Rony, Tony, Josh, Arnold, Jund-Kid (he's 13 and has no life apart from playing Magic with 26 years old, weird), H Y and Endicott. Round 1 myself, Tony, Arnold and HY win. Round 2 Rony and Josh lose so fight for the wooden spoon while I win as does Tony, so we play off for first.

He wins the first game and I win the second and the third one wins. We're both red/white but he had the control deck, and that meant I needed fast starts or for him to feck up and neither of those things happened. He had some nice combos, like Tempered Steel + Myr Propogator, as well as a Hippogriff to return anything dead.

Funnily enough I talk myself into losing as he plays the 'Griff and thinks about either Vulshok Replica or Rust Tick. I imagined Rust Tick for sure, he'd tap down my Glint Hawk Idol and then just win with a leisurely pace, but I say "Vulshok can bash and is quickler," so he takes it.

The game progresses until he's got bods out, I've got 2 active Smith's and am making 1/1s to block and ping him every turn but he swings with everybody and I block to be on one life and hopefully draw a solution in the form of Revoke Existance -- forgetting that on one life Vulshok Replica reads "1R: win the game."

Atleast it came down to the last game of the last match. I'm confident of my abilities at next weeks PTQ, but my inexperience with anything apart from RED/WHITE does make me a tiny bit apprehensive. I'll just open bombs, easy.

The draft I will practice for again on thursday. I get credit at Good Games in the city for the articles I write (not these things) so it's free and why the heck not? If you're thinking of attending PTQ Paris yourself, best of luck and hope you don't come against me.

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