Tuesday, October 9, 2012

You don't say? We do.

So in the latest news, the GPT for Gosford has been and gone and we have success! Well that is, Ammy has success. She won the thing, got the byes, so well done to her. That means the team atleast has a first round bye, and there's a chance James will make the top of this weeks event at Mega Games, Penrith, which is sealed.

Sunday is another event, which I'll have the joy of attending thanks to not working.

The write up of the GPT is going up on Good Games once I finish writing it tonight, so for you dedicated and long haired giant co-players, I'm going to quickly put up a pick and rumourise about what's good.

My blue red white was fun and cute but never sculpted enough. James' white/green really packed a punch, but died after he saw any kind of wrath. Ammy's deck was controlly, slow and really packed a punch with it's angels, whenever they randomly showed up, and Ammy just had the ability to take each round and win.

Discussing her win afterwards we came to the idea that the deck itself wasn't super great, but the meta was just well positioned for it. There was no control that wasn't either worse (mine) or just easy to play around (who isn't holding a Syncopate when they pass with two up?) and some lucky Angels for, say, 9!

I don't think that matters as much, the meta, compared to how well Ammy just seems to play all the time. For such a young player (young in years of playing, not age) shes consistently good, also winning a grinder at Melbourne GPT earlier this year.

We also talked about what we like. I like the stupidly powerful creatures there are when uncontested, so green white. I like white and blues ability to mess with everyone, and just save creatures. We must take into account that Terminus is a Wrath for W, seeing you can ramp up, bump your hand and be comPLETEly undone for a teeny tiny W. One card, one mana, no creature pressure. Although that must lead to "kept pressure" of Thragtusk, but a 3/3 is obviously preferable to a board of bash. The biggest "creature" is the Wurm that's a 10/10 for 6. In two bodies, withOUT the same name so Detention Sphere only half answers it. Sweepers answer it, or another "bigger" threatening thing. More on that later.

The Zombie threat is no longer really relevant I think, because the Pillar of Flame/Terminus 8-suite really deters anyone from playing, and if they do, they're immediately met with proper irriversible counters. So ha, right?

Ditto control, anything they'd like to keep has to deal with spells that say "I can't be countered, actually," so that must be taken into account.

That's my experience and I'm sticking to it. So seeing all of the above, I've got two ideas. What is proactive, expects a catastrophic turn, then rebuilds and hopes for no repeat show. That's BANT, which isn't new at all, and well supported, and allows the flex and muscle of green and white to be upheld, and not simply fall apart without the support of blue.

The second deck is completely the opposite, hoping to abuse the mother-lovin' SHIT out of Slaughter Games. You want my opinion of it? Wait for my report on the GPT, round 2. It made me lame and mute for the first time in Magic playing. Not a "wow, that's huge and great!" kind of way, but more "there is no response for this."

It's Grixis Control, and it uses a lot of things to make the board really complicated and sticky. Rather than Terminus/Pillar of Flame to deal with creatures permanently, we're just going to cast about 8 Slaughter Games, off of Snapcaster Mage for 5-8, and after the first Slaugher Games in game 1 we'll know exactly what to play, forever. There's a picture, and it's got the cards I want to include, but we haven't a list yet.

The obvious test is to build the two decks and fight them against each other, and they pit both against lesser versions of themselves, Angels, and Zombies, Golgari and other random junk that wont do anything.

Stormtide Leviathan. The card deserves a mention as an unsung hero, seeing it can rip apart an offensive nonflying team, as you'll find in the Selesnya decks. What can they do about it apart from Oblivion Ring? And we'll have ways to bounce it to allow the dealing with that.

Now how do I attach pictures?

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