Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sphinx's Deprecation

Well I haven't been inspired lately to do much with Magic. There was always a glimmer, some hope for the future of being a really good player, doing great at tournaments and earning the esteem and ear of my fellow Magicians, but it's just shambles atm.

James/Ammy are doing great, living with one another and hammering the MTGO. That sounds like fun. iRony and myself live together too, but we're both far too poor/time constrained to make that jump into the pool, especially one that looks so deep (read: expensive). If it's hard to do in RL, why would MTGO be a better alternative? Surely Magic Workstation or else would provide better.

My own plan was to spend the year only playing Magic when I'd made money from selling old cards -- so far I've maintained that. Though I moved Murdoch Monthly to the local store Mega Games, from the old crew at Good Games, who I'm not sure have even noticed my absence. But first, Petr's blog:

He's a great and hilarious writer, but only Magic players will appreciate the humour:

He's been doing great, getting links all over the place, so kudos to him!

Plugs aside, I am the only person from the team planning to go to the GP up in Canberra later in the year, but it looks like right this second I'm not interested. If PV and our own Australian pro Dan Unwin both say Modern isn't that interesting a format, I'm glad to breath a sigh of relief and agree aloud with them. It just seems TOO undefined. Nothing is strong unless it's nerfed, at which points it's obviously too strong and time to look for another deck.

It also doesn't help that selling $X00 worth of cards might not cut it. There's still plenty of time to get a better job that pays many more hours and throw away the "only pay with money made from Magic sales" idea, but what-evs. If I was really serious, it'd take way more than I'm doing now.

This is only March and I have until November, so plenty of time to change. I'll likely miss the WMQC too, seeing everybody seems to be everywhere that I'd like to be, such as "free" and "able to attend Magic" while I'm actually 'Stuck at work.' Them's the breaks!

The recent good news is that (hinted above) I've moved out. So now there's no crazy household full of ppl, just myself, iRony and his crazy cats. One's skitzophrenic and the other adorable. Plus I'm sure I've spelt that wrong.

Stay tuned, there was a recent sharp spike in people visiting my page from this random Russian blog:, I really don't know why.


  1. It's okay man, I always go back and fourth with how much time I put into the the game and how good I think I am. The main thing is to make sure you keep improving with universal skills: Learning to be as efficient as possible in the way you play, Evaluating cards better, deck building/tuning and drafting. For me personally I've always been weak with combat mechanics and as such I've usually stuck to formats that have more limited creature interaction (vintage/commander and occaisionally legacy) but now I'm becoming more of a draft player and realising that I need to learn my creature interaction a lot better.
