Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Audience, Constantly.

Very thin level of magic content today non-readers. I'm talking about good news week, Monday night game/talk show where Paul McDermott, Mikey Robins and Claire Hooper lead groups of B grade stars through a series of questions, mostly relating to current weird newstories and generally being funny.

I've been in the audience recording of these shows quite a few times, but on the latest one I got what might be nothing, or a minute eclipse of real. As the audience is piling out of the studio McDermot jokingly shouts "Go on, get the fuck out. You've spent long enough here!" Everyone laughs and continues out, then to the fellow on the stairs just in front of me I hear him shout "Don't fucking make eye contact with me buddy."

The use of buddy confuses me as to how he meant it - it's a friendly thing and a possible threat in Australia. The phrase itself, "Don't make eye contact" is funny itself, parents always warn against making eye contact with dogs because dogs see it as a threat. Though technically anytime eye contact is made someone should look away first, the inferior.

The moment seemed to be mostly unnoticed, the rest of the audience didn't hear it, and it just seemed like a horrid little drunk-off-screen pissed-off actor was in front of me, instead of the cheery faced Paul McDermot. To learn that "it all" is for the screen/camera wouldn't be a surprise, the greatest of lies in the world is TV personalities, but that moment when the potential shade fell was interesting none the less.

To relate this to magic, think of bad commons that you've lost two. You put thems aside, assuming they wont/can't/are incapable of winning games, and then someone plays a Tainted Bond on your 3/3 beast token, puts Lure on their own 1/1 and attack. You gotta block, lose 3 life, and the match.

You wont believe that's how it went down, but it did.

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